The Making of My First YouTube Video

I've been back from my travels for over five months now and I'm living a quiet life. So quiet that I often find myself bored and slightly depressed. I tried to do various things, such as relearning web development, applying to jobs, learning more Chinese, etc. Now, I don't have the motivation to do any of them.

But this month I decided to see if I have any skills in making a YouTube video. I picked the park/cemetery across from the house where I live as my main theme. I started recording video clips during my morning walks using my smartphone, wrote a script, picked out songs, and learned how to use iMovie better to make a video. It took me three weeks to think about and make my first YouTube video. I want to explore my filmmaking skills and maybe make more videos when I go on more adventures. Anyway, here's the video I made. I hope you enjoy!
