Day 7: Linthicum Heights to Silver Spring

This morning, I woke at 7 AM again. After preparing my bike, I went upstairs to the kitchen. Susan made me a cup of cappuccino and fried two eggs for me. When Dave came down, we chatted more over breakfast. Both Dave and Susan has worked in Africa on humanitarian trips. I told Dave that last night when he prayed for me during dinner it reminded me of Lynn and Lynne on my 2018 trip. That was when I was tired of riding my bicycle on the second day and stopped at a coffee gazebo. Lynn prayed for me after I rested. It seems like this time I also received prayers from strangers. There are a lot of parallels between this trip and my 2018 trip.

Dave and I talked about religion a bit. I told him that I’m a Unitarian Universalist if I had to choose a religion. But what I really believe is that we are all gods, with a lowercased g. We can create and destroy, like God, so we better make our choices wisely.

After breakfast, Dave rode his carbon fiber road bike with me for about a mile out to a lookout. We took a selfie together and bid our farewells. Dave and Susan will bikepack the Pacific coast in August and September. I hope they have a great trip!

Me and Dave

I rode on the bike path for quite a while before entering more residential neighborhoods. I enjoyed the sun since it’s not raining today and the weather was 52 degrees when I left Dave’s house. This is the perfect riding condition.

However, at around 6.5 miles out my eyes started to get really tired that I had trouble keeping them open. It must be the strong sunlight and the wind. I just wanted to stop somewhere and rest my eyes, maybe take a nap. But I knew I had to keep going if I want to make it to my friend Brandi’s place by 1:30 PM.

Riding in some residential neighborhoods

At one point, I saw a dog running directly toward me. I thought I was going to get bitten since I’m not carrying a dog spay, but then I saw it had a collar so my fear subsided. The dog was friendly and was off leash by his owner for some reason.

I followed Komoot’s directions for the past few days without issue until today. It indicated that I needed to make a right turn on a road, but there was no road. I was confused so I rode straight and made the next right into a cemetery. Komoot then directed me without problem. That was the only issue I had, which is not bad at all.

Around noon time, I reached the town of Laurel. I went to Pho Viet 75 on Main Street to grab lunch. I ended up having a coconut boba tea and a noodle with pork dish. The restaurant was so busy with takeouts and sit down customers that I didn’t get my food until half an hour later. I ended up having an hour long break for lunch and didn't leave the restaurant until 1 PM.

Riding through a park

After more cycling, I arrived at Brandi’s house in Silver Spring around 2:15 PM. I was glad to have reached my destination for the day. I think with my current physical condition, a 30 mile ride for the day is ideal. Today I rode a little over 27 miles.

Brandi and her wife, Judy, bought their house three years ago. It was my first time visiting them here. Brandi and I chatted for about an hour, catching up about our lives. Then I took a much needed shower before Judy and their son, Izan, came back from Judy’s parent’s house. We ordered Thai takeout from Siriwan Thai and I had the drunk noodles.

Me and Brandi

It’s almost 8:45 PM and I’m ready to call it a night. Tomorrow, I’m meeting Brandi’s brother, Nick, in DC for lunch before riding to Nick’s apartment in Pentagon City.


  1. You must have had flash backs of the dogs of Kentucky.

    1. Yup! Good thing this dog has a collar.


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