Day 6: Middle River to Linthicum Heights

Last night, I had a dream where I was in a big hall, like a banquet hall, with rows of tables and chairs. I was there, along with many people, getting some self-served food. After I got my plate of food I sat down, but realized that I didn’t get a fork. After getting my fork I came back to the seat only to find that the food was gone. Frustrated, I got another plate of food, then came back and found my chair was gone. Every time I returned with the thing I needed something else went missing. After much frustration I woke up. I wonder what that dream means. Maybe I worry too much?

In any case, I woke up around 7 AM and packed all my things. Soon, Marshall and Connie woke up. They made oatmeal and coffee for the three of us. I learned that putting some chocolate chips in the oatmeal makes for a better oatmeal! Connie informed me that today is Maryland Day and I’ll be cycling through Maryland. Well, Happy Maryland Day, everyone!

Soon after breakfast, Marshall and Connie had to go for a running event so I left at the same time with them. It was around 8:30 when we departed the house.

There were some drizzling rain in the morning, but nothing too bad. I rode on the local roads and the direction guided me through some neighborhoods that looked like West Oak Lane, Philadelphia. A neighborhood that I used to live with the same row houses as the ones I’m passing by today. Interesting to see these architecture here in Maryland.

Row houses of Maryland

When the direction took me through an alleyway, I heard the popping sound of a glass shard. I must have rode over it. I prayed that it didn’t puncture my tires. I think I worry too much since my tires were fine.

Right before I arrived in the Baltimore neighborhood of Highlandtown the rain started to pour. I saw a medical building ahead and it had an awning, so I parked my bike underneath it and waited out the rain for about 30 minutes. The security guard refused to let me sit in the lobby of the medical office so I stood by the front door watching the rain.

Finally, when the rain subsided to a drizzle, I rode my bike for less than a mile to a Peruvian restaurant called Chicken Rico. I had to wait about 15 minutes for them to open the door for business. I ended up having a Pollo Saltado, or chicken stir-fry. It was a bit salty but fulfilling. Perfect food for a cyclist.

Pollo Saltado at Chicken Rico

Around 11:30, I saw that the rain had stopped, but the sky was still cloudy. I wanted to ride to Inner Harbor, Baltimore, to find a place to hang out for an hour or so before arriving at my Warmshowers hosts Dave and Susan’s place in Linthicum Heights at 2 PM.

The Power Plant at Inner Harbor

Inner Harbor

As I zig-zagged through Inner Harbor I didn’t see any good place to sit, so I decided to ride on. I ended up resting by a bench in Middle Branch Park and adjusted my seat post so that I can seat higher for a more comfortable riding position.

Cherry trees at Middle Branch Park

Yucky weather

My timing wasn’t good since it started to rain again. The humidity fogged my glasses during the entire ride today. I constantly wiped the lens, but they still fog up or get water droplets on them. I just had to keep my eyes wide open and be extra careful.

I arrived about a block away from Dave and Susan’s place at 1:40 PM. I texted Dave to say that I’m only a block away from his house, can I come early if he’s home. Luckily, Dave’s reply came quickly and I was able to reach my destination before 2 PM.

I met Susan and Dave in the back of their house. After the greet, I stored my bike inside their workshop and came into what I call the Taj Mahal of Warmshowers guest room. It’s so spacious and has a refrigerator and a private bathroom! I feel so comfortable here.

The "Taj Mahal" of Warmshowers guest room

After taking a much needed shower, I caught up on the news and social media. At 5:30, Susan, Dave, and I had a delicious dinner with two salads and a rotisserie chicken. I even had ice cream for dessert! Dave told me about his cross country cycling trip in 1982 with a cycling partner. They completed the trip in 42 days! Back then Warmshowers didn't exist and they would ask people if they can stay for the night. And they only had one rest day the entire time.

Dave and Susan also told me about an Iranian guy who pushed a wheel around the country. He was supporting peace between United States and Iran. I had heard about this guy from Stephen and Olga, my Warmshowers hosts in Joppatowne. Now the legend is confirmed. Unbelievable!

Susan and Dave

I watched some March Madness basketball games on the TV with Dave and Susan after dinner. I'm going to bed soon. Today I rode about 24 miles. Tomorrow will be a 27 mile ride to my friend Brandi's house in Silver Spring.


  1. You sure meet some interesting people Hiatt!

    1. That's the best part of a cycling tour!


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