Days 97 and 98: Rest Days in Sacramento

Two days ago, after a breakfast consisted of a bagel and some juice, I took a brief nap. Around 10:30 AM, Bob woke me up and drove us to the California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento.

Bob, my host, at the Railroad Museum

Bob is a board member of the museum so we went in for free. I essentially had a personal tour guide because Bob knows a lot about trains and the museum. We saw a 22 minute movie about the railroad and toured most of the train cars. After the museum, we ate lunch at Fat City Bar and Cafe. I had a burger with some delicious fries. Then we had some ice cream at Boxcar Eats. To show my gratitude, I paid for both.

Bob and I walked to the train station to see a mural. We also went to the courthouse to see a small exhibit on the Chinese railroad workers and the Chinese population who lived in Sacramento in the old days. Soon after, Bob drove us back to his house.

Mural at the train station

Inside the courthouse

I helped Bob with some computer issues and we made a fruit salad for dinner. Bob offered me to stay another night and I realized that I don't need to be in Vallejo overnight since I'll be taking a ferry from there to San Francisco. This allowed to stay another day in Sacramento and still be in San Francisco on day 100. So I decided to stay for one more night.

Yesterday morning, after I had half a bagel and some milk, Bob drove us to downtown Sacramento. He has some errands to do, so I walked around downtown, mainly visiting the state capitol. The capitol had some old rooms that served as museums. On the second floor, the tiled floor looked intriguing. I saw the Assembly gallery on the third floor. I didn't spend too much time there since there was a tour group of school children.

California state capitol

Most unusual portrait of a governor

After the capitol, I went to a CVS to print out 8 photos. I want to give some to Bob, to the Warmshowers host in Vacaville, and to Jack, my host in San Francisco. I also bought cheap razors for shaving since the blade on my current one is broken.

I still had some time before Bob gets back to his office, so I bought a gelato at Devine Gelateria and Cafe to cool down. The temperature will get up to 103 degrees today and I can feel the heat coming on already.

Bob came back to his office at 1 PM. He drove us to Little Saigon, an Asian district in Sacramento, where we had some pho noodles at Pho Bolsa. I went to the Asian grocery store while Bob got a haircut next door. I bought some snacks that I thought Bob might like.

Large bowl of pho

After Bob got his haircut, we came back to Bob's office and hung out about half an hour before Bob drove us to Davis, a college town not too far away. We were meeting Bob's son and his wife at the farmers' market. As we were waiting I bought a gallon of cold apple cider because I felt so hot. Bob and I drank half a gallon by the time Bob's son, Tim, and his wife, Lori, and their children showed up. Soon, my stomach began to hurt. I assume it must be the apple cider since I drank most of it. I ended up laying on the bench to alleviate the pain.

Davis farmers' market

I felt better just when it was time for us to leave the farmers' market. Once Bob and I got home, I made a bag of ramen since I still have two packages left, and ate a can of spam and a fruit cup. Afterward, I did my laundry and helped Bob with another computer issue. I ended up going to bed at 10 PM.

This morning, I got up at 6. I folded my laundry and packed most of my things. I will be riding to Vacaville and stay with a Warmshowers host named Ben. It should be a nice ride since I will be going on a bike trail again.
