Day 31: Loretto to White Mills

This morning, Crispin woke up first. We packed up our things pretty quickly and I had to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, the bathroom for the park was locked. Crispin informed me about the bathroom in the fire station across the street. Luckily, there was a fireman there. We talked to him for a bit. He’s in the process of becoming a fireman. What a noble profession!

An early morning

Crispin and I left the park at 7 AM. With the sun on our side, we were like modern day cowboys riding our bicycles to the west. Since we didn’t have breakfast, we stopped by the first convenience store we saw in New Hope. I had an ice cream bar since they didn’t have proper breakfast food. We kept on riding because Crispin wanted to go as many miles as we can before it gets too hot.

Riding with the sun

Ice cream for breakfast? Yes!

One of many pro-life signs

It was a little after 10 AM when we arrived at another convenience store in Buffalo. I was so hungry that I ate a corn dog, a BBQ sandwich, a rib sandwich, and another ice cream bar. I had to take a short nap after the meal because I had food coma. While I was napping, Crispin looked at the map and thought about going to Iowa from Elizabethtown, but he ended up changing his mind. So we will ride together for several more days and split up some where in Missouri.

BBQ sandwich and corn dog, part one of lunch

Rib sandwich and ice cream, part two of lunch

We had originally planned on staying in Sonora. By the time we arrived at yet another convenience store it was only 1:30 PM. After getting a water refill and a few food supplies, we decided to go further to the fire station in White Mills, where we’ll have the opportunity to take a shower.

Beautiful clouds!

At 4 PM, we rolled in. The temperature was reaching the mid 80s. I had received the password to the lock when I called the fire station chief. Crispin and I were the only ones inside the fire station. After resting a while, we rode another 2.5 miles ahead to get to yet another convenience store. I’m so sick of convenience store food but beggars can’t be choosers. I had some fried chicken and fries. For dessert, I ate a whole pint of Twix ice cream. I think I’m ice creamed out!


...And finish

We stopped by Dollar General on the way back to buy some more food supplies for the road. It seems like Dollar General stores are the only big brand stores in rural towns. I noticed I’ve not seen fresh vegetables and fruits being sold anywhere. This may partially explain the fact that most people in rural areas are either overweight or obese.

Staying in here for the night

When we got back to the fire station, Dan, the captain of the fire station, was there. He gave us some beers to drink and told us we can actually sleep inside the fire station. What a great guy! I took a shower and planned on going to sleep early. Crispin was riding faster today in order to avoid the afternoon heat. I tried to keep up with him, but I followed behind him most of the time. Tomorrow will be more of the same.

Beer with a bicycle logo. So appropriate!
