Day 6: York to Hunt Valley, MD

This morning I got up around 7:30 or so. Jane was already up making coffee and breakfast. After Paul and Tim got up, I took the opportunity to transfer my photos to Paul’s computer. Then we all ate sausage, eggs, and biscuits. They were the fuel for much of the morning ride. Tim is going to Lancaster to stay at Amelia’s. Paul will ride along with him. I will go continue to go south on the Heritage Rail Trail all the way to Maryland.

Paul, Jane, Tim

I was riding on the trail just about the entire day. When I was parking my bike to take a photo, the bike fell over and the clip for the GPS phone case broke. Luckily, today was just riding on the trail, GPS wasn’t needed much. I went to the bike shop in New Freedom, a town along the trail, but they didn’t have any cases left. I ate lunch in the town in a restaurant called Paesano’s and had some chicken wings with mango habanero sauce. They were pretty good.

A section of the trail

Another section

I saw some pretty cool things such as a Gnome Hill made of garden gnomes that someone had collected. The scenery on the trail was nice and I had a relaxed ride. It was a little chilly though, in the low 40’s. Nonetheless, the cold temperature didn’t make me sweat and I was able to do a little over 42 miles today.

Big bikes!

Road side sculptures

Gnome Hill

At the end of the trail is Hunt Valley/Ashland/Cockeysville. I ate some fake Double Cooked Pork at a Chinese takeout restaurant. It was not what I expected the dish to be at all. I found a bike shop on my phone and it was 1.3 miles away on a main road. I had to walk my bike on the skinny sidewalk that sometimes became nonexistent. The bike shop is called Bicycle Connection. I picked out a suitable case for about $32. When I was attaching the case on my bike, I cut my finger somehow when I was folding the pocket knife. Glad I had prepared a first aid kit and band-aid myself.

From the bike shop I walked my bike back. I decided to try out my luck by asking the fire department if I can camp out at the fire station in Hunt Valley. The station is actually called Cockeysville Volunteer Fire Company. The chief said yes so I set up my tent behind the building.

Behind the fire station. First time camping

It drizzled a little and it’s a bit windy. The temperature tonight will drop to the mid 30’s. I plan to sleep with my clothes on so I don’t catch a cold. It’s only a little past 8:15 PM. I’ll call it a night.
